#4 Get Back to Biblical Ground

In the Great Commission Jesus told his followers, “Go and make disciples of all nations by baptizing them … and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Jesus says sinners are made disciples by the converting power of his Word and sacraments, not by our persuasive power of our arguments. By faith we need to resist that temptation and continually come back to the Bible as the basis of what we say and believe. Without the all-powerful uncompromising truth of God’s Word on our side, our conversations about Jesus will inevitably devolve into one person’s opinion against another’s. With such arguments God is not pleased; Christ is not glorified; and no one wins.


So when you’re having a spiritual conversation with someone you love and the conversation turns towards the slippery slope of personal opinion, pray that God gives you the wisdom to bring things back into perspective, back to Biblical ground. It’s only God’s Word that creates faith in the heart, and without faith no one can peer into the deep mysteries of God.