#6 Feel...Felt...Found
In the past weeks we’ve considered five practical ways to make the most of the witnessing opportunities that God gives us: show you really care by being a careful listener; acknowledge others’ opinions; try to get down to the personal level of our sin and God’s grace; stick to the unchanging truth of God’s Word; and if needed set objections and questions aside and come back to them later with a better Biblical answer.
An easy way to incorporate these five principles into your witnessing is by remembering FEEL… FELT… FOUND. Whenever someone has an objection to God’s Word (and because of our sinful condition we sinners will naturally object or seek exceptions to God’s will), answer by saying:
“I can see how you might FEEL that way...”
“I know others have FELT the same way...” (or “I’ve FELT that way myself….”)
“But what I've FOUND in God’s Word is…”
Framing the conversation in these terms shows that you care, that you acknowledge their opinion, and naturally leads back to God’s Word without imposing our beliefs on others.