
We are a family of believers that exists to:

Glorify God

Grow in Grace

Go with the gospel


Sunday Worship  |  9:30am

Mission Festival Sunday

God Loves the World, and He Loves You!

Sunday Morning Bible Study @ 8:30 am

Find More  Information Below

Registration Will Open for 
2025-26 School Year  On January 20th

Come Check out our Preschool

Thursday Zoom Studies @ 7pm

Looking For  More Bible Study?

Sunday Worship @ 9:30Am

Watch or listen to our service.  Please fill out the Connection Card after worship.

Special Presentation:

Branch Lutheran Schools of Haiti

Sunday, February 9th @ 10:45

Presentation by Terry Schultz,  Missionary & Becki Lonnquist, Development & Communications Manager from the Branches Mission.

Will Return February 16th

Sunday Morning Bible Study:

Angels & Demons  |  8:30AM

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone (Psalm 91:11,12). In the Bible these words are spoken by two opposing powers—God and Satan. The way they use these words points to a conflict. God uses them to give us comfort. Satan used them to tempt Jesus to sin. In this course we will consider not only the leaders but also the soldiers in these opposing armies: angels and demons. May this course lead us to a deeper appreciation not only of the angels but also of the gracious God who made and rules them! For further understanding consider reading the companion volume, John Schuetze’s Angels and Demons: Have Wings—Will Travel from Northwestern Publishing House.

Thursday Zoom Bible Study @ 7:00PM

  • This Week: The Prophet Joel: Repent! The Day of the LORD is Near!

Jonah Chapter 1

Imagine a society where the rich squeeze every penny out of the poor. The powerful oppress the weak. The spiritual leaders walk it two worlds—on the one hand they give lip service to the Lord and behind closed doors they bow to idols. Nations are in turmoil. There is a near-constant threat of war and shifting alliances on every side. The faithful are few and scattered, wondering if God notices the downward slide into chaos, wondering what he is going to do about it. …I bet you didn’t have to do too much imagining to picture such a world. In many respects it is the world we are now in. It is the world of God’s people during the time of the kings of Israel. How would and will God respond? The prophets had a consistent message: while the Lord is patient he will act in judgment against those who refuse to repent and bring salvation for his own.

Check out more Bible Study for You!

View past Bible studies on our YouTube page or find recorded studies on our Adult Bible study page.

Mission Support

100 Missions in 10 Years

A WELS Home Missions initiative to plant 100 new home mission churches and enhance 75 existing ministries from 2023-2033.

No community is the same. No core group is the same. No soul is the same. But we know that all people have the same need for a Savior from sin. Those differences mean that no home mission church starts the same way or follows the same path to maturity. However, we pray that all WELS home mission churches contribute in their own unique way to the ultimate outcome: winning souls for Jesus through the proclamation of the gospel. 

World Mission


WELS Christian Aid and Relief is joining with thousands of WELS members and millions of other Christians around the world in praying for the people of Ukraine during this terrifying and uncertain time. The best and safest way to help at this time is to give a gift to the Ukrainian Fund through WELS World Missions. These funds will be used to provide immediate assistance to members of our sister church in Ukraine and others in need.

Recent Worship Services

Ascension Lutheran Church is located in Plymouth, Minnesota and is affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). Each week our Bible readings, songs, prayers, and message revolve around a central theme to increase our insight and appreciation of another small slice of the Christian life. Join us as we follow Jesus!

Current Sermons:

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