Sunday Mornings @ 8:30:
Sunday morning bible study is livestreamed on our YouTube channel and is still available after it has aired or below ad free.
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This study will more thoroughly investigate the various gifts the Holy Spirit gives the church so that his people of every time and place are equipped for service in the kingdom. Our prayer is that through this series we can all (re)discover, mutually appreciate, and actively employ our individual (and collective) gifts at God’s direction. This Sunday's session will provide an overview of spiritual gifts so we can go deeper in the coming weeks.
Ruth: A Story of Redemption
Redemption is a powerful idea. It presents the possibility of making right what was wrong, fixing the broken, filling the empty. Redemption holds forth the hope of a brighter future despite a woeful present and a burned-out past. The quest for redemption is the driving force behind countless books and movies. In truth, we humans are naturally drawn to the concept of SELF-redemption because we are convinced if we only try harder, we can save ourselves, but the message of Scripture is that we are so hopeless, broken, and empty that God had to orchestrate and execute our redemption all on his own. Join us as we see God’s redemption unfold in the lives of a widow named Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi.
The Word Endures
Lessons From Luther Yesterday and Today
We will be examining some of Luther's writings on such important topics as Christian Freedom, Training Children in God's Word, Good Works, Marriage and more. As Lutherans we would do well to be familiar with what Luther taught from Scripture so we can explain, defend, and celebrate our Lutheran heritage.
Defending the Faith
Apologetics is narrowly defined as “defending the Christian faith by reason with gentleness and respect.”
The apologetic task is to use every bit of knowledge available as we engage skeptics with the goal of proclaiming Christ crucified. Think of apologetics as a ministry of caring. We care about skeptics and their thoughts.
The apologetic task is to use every bit of knowledge available as we engage skeptics with the goal of proclaiming Christ crucified. Think of apologetics as a ministry of caring. We care about skeptics and their thoughts.
Help With the Hurting
Jesus, the God of love, was moved with compassion when he saw people in difficult circumstances. The Bible tells us he had compassion for a widowed woman whose only son had died. Jesus had compassion for a large multitude that had followed him for three days to hear him teach, and now they were hungry. He was moved and had compassion for those who were blind and those who had horrible skin diseases. People needed help, and Jesus wanted to help. In each instance where he had compassion for someone, Jesus acted and put his love into practice to help them.
My Life for the Kingdom
To put it mildly, Joseph's family life was a mess. His father, Jacob, loved him more than his 11 other brothers; he rubbed it in their faces; and they hated him for it. His brothers were jealous and violent. They sold Joseph into slavery and lied to their father, saying he was dead. How could such a family remain intact? How could God use them to bless the world? God had a gracious plan for them and a wonderful plan for Joseph. The Lord shaped and equipped Joseph to carry out his good and saving purposes. God has similar designs and uses for you and me as we live our lives in his kingdom. Nothing is ordinary or accidental as we follow Jesus!
His Word - My Life
The Scriptures tell us that the prayers of believers are powerful and effective (James 5:16). We are implored to pray continually and give thanks to God in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:17-18). Even our broader society considers prayer important. According to Pew Research Center some 55% of all Americans pray to a deity daily and over 70% at least once a week. However, there is much confusion in our society and in the church about prayer:
What is it? Who can pray? When and how should we pray? What can we pray for? How does God answer prayers? We will explore these questions and more in this series.
What is it? Who can pray? When and how should we pray? What can we pray for? How does God answer prayers? We will explore these questions and more in this series.
A Scriptural Response to Homosexuality
What does (and doesn't) the Bible say about homosexuality? How do we compassionately communicate God's love and truth for fellow-Christians who struggle with temptations? How does God give us the power and the grace to overcome? Join us as we search God’s Word for the answers to these questions.

This guided study will help God’s people want to tell others about the peace, joy, and forgiveness they have in Jesus. But many Christians are unsure how to do this. Join us as we learn some simple, practical ways to reach out to the lost souls God has brought into our lives.
Resilient In Our Redeemer
From our time-bound perspective life throws many unexpected challenges at us that at times can threaten to overwhelm us--loss, loneliness, suffering, hostility, etc., but we know that none of these are accidental or purposeless nor will our God allow them to overthrow our faith. Instead, his desire is to grow our trust in him and strengthen our faith so that through these trials we will be made all the more resilient in him.
Stewardship Legacy
Of all the gifts and resources God has given us, one of the most important is our time. Our lives here are finite, ticking down from the moment we are conceived, but in order to use that precious time to its utmost, we all need to learn the art of prioritizing. Without proper priorities we end up wasting our time on distractions and frivolous things that don’t really matter and missing out on real purpose, peace, and lasting joy our God intends for us in Jesus.
In Season & Out of Season
Sharing the Gospel is the Privilege and the Responsibility of Every Christian Are you confident and eager to share the good news of Jesus? Many of us might say, "No," and it's not necessarily because we don't want to, we maybe just don't know how, or we don't know what to say, or we don't feel worthy to talk to others about Christ when our own lives are such a mess. In Season and Out of Season is a study designed to prepare us to speak about Christ in any and every situation.
Scripture Connection
God has wired the human brain to have over 60 trillion neurological connections by which we perceive, remember, plan, and seek to manipulate our world. How fitting that the One who made our minds, also made his Word to contain countless interconnections by which he reveals himself and his will to us! Each Sunday’s Bible readings are chosen to highlight the same key truth from different angles so as to touch our minds and hearts on multiple levels. In advance of worship this study can prime us for what is to come. Used afterwards it can enhance self-reflection and increase understanding of what has been heard.
Self Guided Recorded Studies:
Book Study: God Loves Nobodies
Pastor Matthew Doebler’s book, God Loves Nobodies. Nobody wants to be a nobody, and everyone wants to be a somebody, put a somebody to who and how? Through this study we’ll see how God has given nobodies like us infinite worth in Jesus. In him we don’t need to strive to be somebody to God and others—we already are!
Self Guided Recorded Studies:
Politics is Driving Me Crazy
With another presidential election on the horizon, the pleas from family and friends and the media rhetoric can be overwhelming. It's enough to drive you crazy. How can a Christian remain steadfast and still find hope in the present political climate? This study offers a note of calm and hope and encouragement as it reminds us that we are citizens of two kingdoms, each with a different role and a different agenda, over which God rules, and in which we can serve to his glory.
Self Guided Recorded Studies:
Helping you make sense of “Bible Lingo”
Most professions develop their own “insider lingo” of unique terms and acronyms that can leave those on the outside in the dark. Christianity is no different. We too have “strange” Bible words that can be difficult for people to process—words like covenant, righteousness, and grace. While rare in everyday speech these words have the depths and richness of Scripture behind them. The better we understand these concepts the greater our appreciation will be for God’s Word and the better we will be able to communicate our Christian faith and hope to the world around.
Lesson 1: Covenant
May 4, 2023
Lesson 2: Faith
May 11, 2023
Lesson 3: Glory of the Lord
May 18, 2023
Lesson 4: Grace
Jun 1, 2023
Lesson 5: Holiness
Jun 8, 2023
Lesson 6: Redemption
Jun 15, 2023
Lesson 7: Resurrection
Jun 29, 2023
Lesson 8: Sacrifice for Sin
Jul 6, 2023
Lesson 9: Righteousness
Jul 13, 2023
Lesson 10: Repentance
Jul 20, 2023
Lesson 11: Anointing
Aug 17, 2023
Lesson 12: Fire
Aug 31, 2023
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Self-Guided Recorded Studies:
When bad things happen to God's People

The book’s title comes from its primary character, Job. Although of uncertain etymology the name Job could come from Arabic meaning “one who turns back [to God]/one who repents” or Hebrew verb “to hate/be an enemy of” (which could signify “the assailed one, an object of enmity”).
• As with several books of the Bible, the human author of Job is unknown (cf. the compilers of the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles; the book of Hebrews). As those who are convinced that the Bible is God’s Spirit-inspired Word, we too consider this book to have been composed under his direct guidance for a number of reasons:
1.) The book reveals spiritual realities and conversations that no human is naturally privy to.
2.) The book has numerous Messianic parallels and references.
3.) The unparalleled quality of its composition.
• Some best guesses: Like the book of Ruth, it is clear that Job was not the author of the book that bears his name. Given the likely (early) time period in which it was set and the linguistic parallels with the Pentateuch, some claim Moses as the author. Other conservative commentators see similarities with the wider geographic knowledge and poetic/wisdom literature (cf. particularly Proverbs 1, 8, 9) of the Solomonic age and afterwards.
• As with several books of the Bible, the human author of Job is unknown (cf. the compilers of the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles; the book of Hebrews). As those who are convinced that the Bible is God’s Spirit-inspired Word, we too consider this book to have been composed under his direct guidance for a number of reasons:
1.) The book reveals spiritual realities and conversations that no human is naturally privy to.
2.) The book has numerous Messianic parallels and references.
3.) The unparalleled quality of its composition.
• Some best guesses: Like the book of Ruth, it is clear that Job was not the author of the book that bears his name. Given the likely (early) time period in which it was set and the linguistic parallels with the Pentateuch, some claim Moses as the author. Other conservative commentators see similarities with the wider geographic knowledge and poetic/wisdom literature (cf. particularly Proverbs 1, 8, 9) of the Solomonic age and afterwards.
Lesson 18: The LORD Speaks & Epilogue (Chapter 39-42)
Lesson 17: The LORD Speaks: Part 1 (Chapter 38)
Sep 13, 2022
Lesson 16: Elihu Speaks for God: Part 2 (Chapters 36-37)
Sep 6, 2022
Lesson 15: Elihu Speaks for God: Part 1 (Chapters 32-35)
Aug 30, 2022
Lesson 14: Job’ Closing Argument (Chapters 29-31)
Aug 23, 2022
Lesson 13: Bildad Speaks Again and Job’s Reveals the Secret to Wisdom (Chapters 25-28)
Aug 16, 2022
Lesson 12: Eliphaz Speaks Again and Job's Reply (Chapters 22-24)
Aug 2, 2022
Lesson 11: Zophar Speaks Again and Job’s Reply (Chapters 20-21)
Jul 26, 2022
Lesson 10:
Jul 19, 2022
Lesson 9:
Jul 5, 2022
Lesson 8:
Jun 28, 2022
Lesson 7:
Jun 14, 2022
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Self Guided Recorded Studies:
The SmalCald Articles/ Contemporary Catholicism

This is a study on The Smalcald Articles (written by Dr. Martin Luther) and a companion study, Contemporary Catholicism. In the Smalcald Articles Luther gives us the clear testimony that sinners are saved by the grace of God in Christ and how at the same time the Catholic Church of his day was subverting that truth by teaching that we are saved by our good works. In the Contemporary Catholicism study we will see that unfortunately the Catholic Church has not changed its official stance on these teachings. God-willing this will help us better understand not only the serious differences between Lutheranism and Catholicism, but also guide us in sharing the grace of God found in Scripture with our Catholic family and friends.
Contemporary Catholicism
Apr 21, 2022
Smalcald Articles
Mar 31, 2022
Contemporary Catholicism
Mar 24, 2022
Smalcald Articles
Mar 17, 2022
Contemporary Catholicism
Mar 10, 2022 • Pastor Roloff
Smalcald Articles
Mar 3, 2022
Contemporary Catholicism
Feb 24, 2022
Smalcald Articles
Feb 17, 2022 • Pastor Roloff
Contemporary Catholicism
Feb 10, 2022
Smalcald Articles
Feb 3, 2022 • Pastor Roloff
Contemporary Catholicism
Jan 27, 2022 • Pastor Roloff
The Smalcald Articles
Jan 20, 2022 • Pastor Roloff
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