Service Opportunities

God has Gifted you to serve

God promises that every believer has at least one or more spiritual gifts to use in joyful service to God and their fellow-man.  â€œTo each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good …just as he determines” (1 Cor. 12:7,11), and â€œeach one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God.  If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 4:10-11). Furthermore, by his Spirit God has filled our hearts with the desire to serve and lay down our lives for our neighbor just as our Savior Jesus came to serve and lay down his life for us.  

If you're looking for some ways to volunteer at Ascension we've now divided many of our service and ministry tasks into three categories: immediate, short-term, and long-term. Some opportunities are one-time, others are recurring. Click on one of the forms below to volunteer as an individual, family, or flock.  Email or contact Pastor if you have any specific questions.  


There are many opportunities to serve through teaching our children. Sunday school and Vacation Bible School and other programs need loving people to teach the children or to assist teachers. In addition, Ascension's preschool occasionally needs substitute aids and assistant teachers.

General Pastoral Help

We have the privileged of help us with various needs at your connivance
  • Stuff bags for our New Move Program as needed
  • On Sundays, after Sunday School moving tables & chairs away
  • Christmas & Easter time, counting postcards and getting them ready to be bulk mailed

Summer Vacation Bible School  (VBS)

Ascension's Vacation Bible School is held each summer typically during the fourth week of July from 9-11:30, Monday - Friday. Because our VBS typically fills to capacity and we host about 100 children, volunteers are critical to the success of our program prior to and during the event.  So if you have interest in crafts/art, music/singing, storytelling, games, decorating, snacks, etc. we'd love to have you use those gifts in service to the Lord and his little ones.  Please e-mail Pastor Roloff if you would like to help.  


This group provides opportunities to enhance worship services with special songs and arrangements. The choir meets for practice on Wednesday evenings from September through May and sings in services approximately once per month. A special Cantata is presented annually on Good Friday. Ascension was selected for the 2013 Sun Times Reader's Choice Award for Best Choir & Music Program!

Instrumental Music

Those who have intrumental music skills are encouraged to use them to praise the Lord in our worship services. Our Worship Music Director, Susan Decker, works with small groups and individuals to enhance services through instrumental accompaniment.  Instruments that have been used include piano, organ, drums, guitar, flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, trombone and more.

Facility Management

Various opportunities to serve are available throughout the year. At present, families of Ascension volunteer to clean our facility each week. Two families are scheduled weekly, with the list of cleaning duties divided accordingly. General maintenance of the building is needed as certain times of the year which the congregation is asked to help with. Other maintenance and remodeling projects are scheduled by the Support Elder as needs arise.

Altar Support

Support of the altar is provided by ladies of the congregation who volunteer to care for the altar linens and to change paraments according to the church calendar. These volunteers also prepare the altar for celebration of the Lord's Supper.

Use Every Gift!

There are always opportunities to use the gifts God has given individuals at Ascension. From service on boards and committees to photography to clerical/administrative activities to document layout and design to facility and grounds maintenance, do matter what you are good at, we would love to get you involved.

If you are interested in one of these opportunities, please contact us for more information.