“Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”
Hebrews 5:13-14

Nathaniel Richards
Sunday Mornings @ 10:45am
Faith development in children is a process. When children are young, they are fed with the milk of God’s word, Bible stories so they can learn of God’s love for them, his power and his grace and mercy. As they get older, they are ready for the meat and potatoes, to discuss all that God has revealed in his Word. They are able to understand God’s expectation that we live a perfect life. They can acknowledge the fact that they have not done so nor are they able to. As children become teenagers they are able to gain a greater appreciation for God’s grace in sending his own Son to set aside his power and majesty and be born of a virgin in order to live the perfect life we cannot and then be sacrificed on the cross, not for his shortcomings but for ours. They are able apply God’s word to their lives.
Ascension’s Teen Bible Discussions recognize this developing maturity of faith and provides opportunities for them to discuss how God’s law and gospel apply to our lives.
Provide your teens an opportunity to learn the relevance of God in today’s world in a manner that teens can connect with.
Ascension’s Teen Bible Discussions recognize this developing maturity of faith and provides opportunities for them to discuss how God’s law and gospel apply to our lives.
Provide your teens an opportunity to learn the relevance of God in today’s world in a manner that teens can connect with.