#1: Be a careful listener

They say that good communication always begins with good listening. Listening is a real way of showing the other person you care, that this conversation is truly about them, not about you and what you have to say. Being a careful listener means listening between the lines. What is their mood: angry? defiant? hurt? confused? frustrated? or sincere? Meet their mood with the appropriate calm, comfort, and sincerity of God’s Word. 

Look for the real issue behind the words. If your sister-in-law says, “I don’t go to church because all they want is money!” what is the real problem? Was her conscience burned in the past by a church commanding her to give instead of convincing her heart to give in response to God’s grace? Does she question if God can take care of her needs or deny that everything comes from him in the first place? These questions can only be explored if you begin with careful listening.

One thing’s for sure—no one will ever get mad at you for listening!