How it all started...
A Brief History
- Early 1977. The Minnesota Dist. Mission Board called the pastor of nearby Faith of Excelsior to also do the needed exploratory and organizational work to start a new WELS Mission in the Plymouth area.
- Aug. 14, 1977. A congregation is conceived when it began to be served with Sunday services, the first with twenty-six in attendance meeting at the Hamel Legion Hall. Both this new mission and Faith then were served jointly during those early years.
- January, 1978: A congregation is born as our Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod grants mission status to Ascension Lutheran Church in the rapidly growing city of Plymouth, Minnesota.
- July, 1979: Ascension begins to walk on its own as Jon Stern, Ascension’s first pastor, is installed and ordained.
- September, 1982: Ascension grows under the leadership of its second shepherd, Pastor Carl Henkel.
- May, 1983: Ascension finds a home. Land is purchased and the first building project begins at 46th Avenue and Vicksburg Lane in Plymouth.
- June, 1984: The members of Ascension move into their new building. Finishing touches are made and members thank the Lord at a formal dedication service.
- July, 1985: Ascension’s third pastor, Joseph Dietrich, is ordained and installed.
- October, 1990: Ascension expands its facility. Construction begins on the new sanctuary.
- February, 1991: Ascension receives its fourth pastor. Pastor Bruce Janisch and family arrive from Miami, Florida.
- September 22, 1996: The members of Ascension celebrate the completion and dedication of the new sanctuary.
- May 19, 1996: Ascension again experiences growing pains. The congregation gathers to break ground for a new education and fellowship expansion to accommodate the growing Bible classes and Sunday school classes.
- August 18, 1996: Ascension adds a Minister of Evangelism and Education. Mr. Ruddat is installed.
- February 9, 1997: The members of Ascension celebrate the completion and dedication of the new education wing.
- September, 2001: Ascension adds a preschool ministry under the direction of Mrs. Jennifer Tripp.
- December 8, 2002: The congregation gathers to break ground for an expanded education wing.
- November 2, 2003: The members of Ascension dedicate the expanded education wing.
- July 17, 2005: Mr. Jack Meyer is installed as our family minister.
- July 2009: Bethel Janisch is hired as Ascension’s music director.
- September, 2009: Ascension adds a five-day preschool program. Tammy Melott accepts our call to teach this class.
- July 15, 2012: Pastor Brian Roloff is installed as Ascension’s fifth pastor (associate).
- September 14, 2014: Tammy Melott is installed as Preschool Director.
- August 9, 2015: Tabitha Mays is installed as preschool teacher.
- May 20, 2018: Pastor Bruce Janisch retires from the ministry and Beth Janisch granted release from call as music director.
- January, 2019: Susan Decker installed as music director
- March, 2019: Tabitha Mays accepts call to teach kindergarten in Marshall, MN
- July, 2019: Jennifer Tripp accepts preschool position
- September 13, 2020: Expanded sanctuary dictated to the glory of God.
- June 2021: Mrs. Tammy Melott granted a peaceful release from ministry as she follows her husband in job relocation
- July 2021: Congregation decides to temporally suspend a second preschool classroom.
- August 29, 2021: Jennifer Tripp installed as Preschool Director.
- May 2024: Susan Decker (music director) released to serve as English Director at MLC.
- August 25, 2024: Andrea Cherney installed as Preschool Teacher.

Growing the Family of Faith...
In June 2019 the congregation had a ground breaking service for an addition to the sanctuary and narthex. Join us as we not only expand our worship space but seek to fill it up through the spread of the gospel.
Be a part of our story...
Join us Sundays as we gather for worship.