What is your greatest treasure?

Oct 17, 2021


SUNDAY BIBLE STUDY: The Woman in Labor (John 16:16-33).

THURSDAY BIBLE STUDY 6:30 PM VIA ZOOM: The Smalcald Articles Lesson – Sacrifice or Sacrament

SUNDAY SCHOOL & CATECHISM: S.S: Esther. Confirmation: 1st Article: The Nature and Characteristics of God

FALL CLEAN-UP: Thanks to those who volunteered this weekend..

TRUNK OR TREAT: Come for Fun, Games and Food! Join us October 29th 4-6pm. Please register your vehicle and/or your family if your interested in attending. More information on Group Life Board or on the App.

LOOKING AHEAD - HYMNAL DRIVE: Thanks to all who have signed up to donate new hymnals for our sanctuary. Our goal of 150 hymnals we are at 80! The hymnals are $24 each. If you would like to purchase hymnal(s) there is a signup sheet in the fellowship hall and a signup on our app. We will gather funds in late November and place one order for all at once.

QUARTERLY VOTERS UPDATE: Join us on October 31 from 10:45-11:30.

ASCENSION FOOD PANTRY: Thanks to those who have helped stock our food pantry in the past so we have basic necessities on hand to give to those in immediate need. Once again it is time to restock. The list is available on our app under volunteer. Just check off the items and shop!

A GOD-LIVED LIFE: A life of being a disciple. Our challenge this month focuses on growing and learning in God’s Word. How can we build Bible study and prayer time into our regular routines? We have challenge cards to help us stay on task. You can find these on our website, app, or printed cards on the welcome table. God bless us as we commit to living a God-lived life of discipleship!

MISSION OFFERING: Our Sunday School will be supporting Thai Village. You can also designate “Mission Offering” on your envelope, online giving, or use the box in the entryway. Our current donation is $46.

GROUP LIFE VOLUNTEER EVENT: Saturday, November 13th from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM as a volunteer event at the Interfaith Outreach retail store located at 1605 County Road 101 North, Plymouth, MN  55447.  Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older.  Up to 20 volunteers can sign up by visiting the Interfaith Outreach website:  http://vhub.at/AscensionLutheran.  All volunteers must register online and must wear a facemask while inside the store.  Link also on App under Group Life.