#20 - Will Christians who struggle with Same Sex Attraction Be in Heaven?
Although God's Word is clear on the answer to this question, the answer is not one that the visible church--past or present--and individual Christians have done a very good job communicating clearly, consistently, and compassionately. In this podcast Pastor Roloff explains that all human sexuality has been ruined by sin and that brokenness expresses itself in different ways. When we start on the common ground of confessing what God says is sinful in each of us and cling to Christ for God's mercy, given power to struggle against sin until by his grace Jesus brings all us repentant sinners home to heaven.
Given the sensitivity of this topic and all the tangential issues connected to it, Pastor Roloff would appreciate that if after listening to the podcast, you should have additional questions to contact him directly for a one-on-one conversation, so that we can come to a consensus on the basis of God's Word.
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ANSWERS FROM ABOVE is an online ministry of Ascension Lutheran Church.
Find us on the web at: www.AscensionPlymouth.com.
Follow up with Pastor at: PastorRoloff@AscensionPlymouth.com
God bless!